
CaptionHub shines at LocWorld51, winning Innovator of the Year 2024 - Europe

LocWorld51, one of the premier events in the localisation industry, brings together experts, innovators, and thought leaders from around the globe to share insights and showcase the latest advancements. The CaptionHub team was delighted to attend this year's conference in Dublin, Ireland hosted from June 5-7th, 2024. A triumph at the Process Innovation Challenge After participating in several rounds of the 16th annual Process Innovation Challen...

CaptionHub attains AWS partner qualified software status

We are thrilled to announce that CaptionHub has successfully passed the AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR), marking our software as AWS Partner Qualified. This accreditation underscores our commitment to adhering to the highest standards of security, reliability, and operational excellence as outlined by the AWS Well-Architected Framework. The AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) is a rigorous evaluation process designed to identify an...

4 reasons why adding translated subtitles to your back catalogue of videos is essential for enterprise success

Seeking new ways to reach wider audiences? Looking to push the boundaries of creativity and execution efficiency in a global market? Wanting to maximise impact with lower investment? If you have archives and back catalogues of video or audio content without subtitles, your business is sitting on a goldmine of potential and untapped revenue resource and global engagement. You’re actually excluding over 3 billion people from your digital content. ...

Take your live streams to the next level, with CaptionHub Live

Live subtitling is hard. Translating into simultaneous languages is even harder. Existing solutions are expensive and complicated. So we built CaptionHub Live. 5 reasons why organisations should look to CaptionHub Live to power their live stream events: 1. AI solutions provide cost-efficiency: Existing live subtitling solutions are expensive; it can cost tens of thousands of dollars to live caption events, often in a limited number of langu...

5 reasons to start localising your podcast with CaptionHub's enterprise-ready synthetic voiceover tool

In an increasingly interconnected world, content creators are always on the lookout for ways to expand their reach and connect with diverse audiences. Podcasts have become a powerful medium for brands to share ideas, stories, and entertainment and they are growing exponentially, with 464.7 million podcast listeners globally as of 2023 and predicted to reach 504.9 million by 2024. (Demandsage) The podcasting phenomenon is experiencing a global ...